The Lore Update (v1.2)

Bits from Fraytoria

We're back with another one! The Lore Update is my thank you to the community for playing so much Depths; when we first made this game in 2 weeks, I never would have expected so many people to like it - thank you so much for playing!!

High level, my goal was to get the polish to where I wanted it to be from the jump and add some lore for my fellow lore-junkies. Even if you aren't interested in lore, there are practical reward tied to it that you probably won't want to miss out on!!

Gonna do my best on Patch Notes but hooo boy was there a lot of little stuff that I did not document. As always, please feel free to come chat in our Discord and let us know what you think! Feedback is always welcome 💖

Patch Notes (some spoilers!)


It wouldn't be the Lore Update without lore!
  • 32 bits of lore scattered about - notes from a previous Delver who came before you! Some are obvious, some... Not so much.
  • After getting enough lore, you can find new recipes from the previous Delver! You can see how many more you need on the Lore screen.
  • Collecting all the non-hidden lore will reward you with all gameplay content, the rest are just for collectors (although there's a small reward for getting them all!)


It gets its own section because seriously, it feels like a new game
  • UI updated across the board!
  • Total power shows up all the time
  • Damage shows up below power so you can watch yourself get stronger! (Did you know power added to your damage? Now you do!)
  • Power reward bar now tells you what it is and shows you that it rewards a recipe!
  • Post-run display tells you how long you delved for and looks way better IMO
  • Crafting screen isn't just UI anymore!
  • Items/Crafting/Lore windows are available as diegetic UI in Packy's tent!
  • This also includes a tutorial to introduce the basic mechanics
  • Dash is more fun!
  • Harvest is more fun!
  • Crafting is more fun!
  • Teleporting is more fun!
  • Buttons are more fun!
  • Save screen has way more stuff on it - can you get a 100% save?
  • Another save slot!
  • Unified pixel'y text across the game


Aight I'ma be real, I don't have all the changes here but I've got some general notes
  • Stones/stone like things down pretty much across the board (more reduced early, less later), more of them on the map too
  • Mushroaams shuffled around a bit, and a few added. Costs for mushies similarly reduced as above.
  • Dash distance nerfed HOWEVER you can dash through harvestables now!
  • The badge that used to increase your visibility now doubles your damage
  • Last badge costs nerfed slightly, no longer doubles damage. Instead, increases your dash range and let's you dash through ANYTHING, destroying pesky obstacles in your path!
  • Lantern upgrades now increase your light radius in addition to your delve time.
  • ...some other things I'll let you discover, as rewards for getting certain amounts of lore and...something else! 


  • A new song in the Home!
  • A new song during the ending!
  • So many big fixes! (Including the 'getting locked into harvesting' one yay!)
  • Badges show up on you!
  • Expanded endings!
  • Return to title screen from home! 
  • Pause your run (by accessing the lore screen)
  • Improved collision across the board!
  • The late game secret thing is improved? I mean I think so anyways - this was really hard to design so let me know what ya think!
  • Load screen with fan art by the fantastic Herboreal!
  • More stuff that I do not recall because this month of dev has been a whirlwind!

What's next?

This version of Depths has been a delight to work on but as a GameJam game it's become a bit too big for its britches and I want to do more!

What's that mean for us? Depths is going to be coming to Steam! Not this version of course, this will remain free on as long as the site lives - we'll be developing a new adventure using the same engine!

Not 100% solidified on anything yet other than some sort of a secondary-mode for harvesting (who wouldn't want to fly into the air and slamdango some nodes?!) but if you've got anything you'd love to see, drop on by!

See ya in the next one, Delvers! -Fraytoria 💖

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